"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"
1 PETER 4:10
Kids Ministry
Children are a blessing from the Lord. With these blessings also come responsibilities. As stewards of God's children, parents are responsible for helping children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Churches have a responsibility toward children too. We want to provide an environment in which children are safe, taught at an age-appropriate level, and encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matt 19:14
Championed by JOEY GAYLON
Worship Ministry
The highest form of worship is one directed to God. When you sing to Him from your heart, no matter what song you sing, you will touch heaven. However, you must believe that He hears what you sing. If you sing and don’t even believe that He hears you, then there’s no point in singing.
The Bible contains over 400 references to singing and 50 direct commands to sing. We're commanded twice in the New Testament to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs In Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16.
"Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.” Psalm 149:3
Championed by ABI RUELO
Create Ministry
For creative people like writers, editors, graphic artists and etc, the communications departments play a key role in how in the general public perceives Revelation Church. Aside from doing our collaterals, they help leaders prepare for media interviews, develop messages and suggest new initiatives to keep companies on the cutting edge of communication.
Championed by FEVES ESTACION
Media Ministry
The purpose of the Media Ministry is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology and media, and to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool.
This ministry also records various events, teachings and sermons which are made available on DVD and podcasts. You can be a Videographer, Director, Lighting Director, Sound Engineer, Lyrics Prompter, Web Team, Photographer or Editor.
Championed by ROBERT FABIAN
Youth Ministry
Teenagers are said to be the most misunderstood and complicated generation. And because of these misconceptions, it plants a wrong perspective about life and spirituality on their minds. As we are stewards of Christ, we are here to guide the next generation in their real life and spiritual journey to make them carefully understand and wholeheartedly accept a full life with the Lord.
We ensure through our weekly discipleship, developmental programs, recreational activities, and life-to-life fellowship sessions that each young individual progresses in their relationship with the Lord. As youth facilitator, we are committed to equipping our teens with faith in Jesus to make them prepared for service to God, life’s challenges, healthy relationships, and leadership.
Championed by PTR JACK MARBIDA
Tech Ministry
Championed by PAUL FIELD
Hospitality Ministry
Championed by CRISTY YUTIG
Championed by MARY ANN ALBAY
Championed by PTR RUEL ABERGOS
Dance Ministry
Championed by JANINE NICOL
Sunday School
Championed by JASTINE BALLON