By Pastor John Mateos Ong

The book of Isaiah is a one wonderful and amazingly long book among the books in the Bible. But who is Isaiah? And why did God send him to preach to Israel?
Prophet Isaiah came during Israel’s dark times. Like how they are long before, Israel forgot again to do what is good in the eyes of the Lord. So, God sent Isaiah to preach and warn the Israelites to repent and turn to the Lord before it’s too late. He also preached that there would be a messiah coming soon. But the Israelites ignored him, which is why God gave them in the hands of the Assyrians. When they are now captives of Assyrians, Prophet Isaiah preached again to them and gave them a promise of redemption. This time, the Israelites listened.
The book of Isaiah has 66 chapters, which in the first 39 chapters talks about the judgment and the last 27 chapters talks about the comfort, restoration, and mercy under the Messiah.
Now, with all the preaching we can find in the book of Isaiah, it all boils down to 3 words—COME AND RECEIVE! The Lord says, come now and let us settle the matter. (Isaiah 1) This short but sweet verse says the Lord invites us to come now. It involves Him and us. He will be with us with this matter.
One may ask, what can I gain from coming to Jesus? Why is it so important to reply to His invitation? Here are 6 promises you can receive when you come to Jesus!
1. Forgiveness - the Lord said, though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. (Isaiah 1:18) The Lord gave us a promise that when you come to this Messiah, He will give you the forgiveness of your sins. Even if it is as red as the crimson, even though you thought it is unforgivable. Through Jesus, you are forgiven
2. Peace - You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You. (Isaiah 26:3) The promise isn’t God will take away the challenges, trials, disappointments but He promised that He will give peace to those who trust in Him. Peace despite struggles and transgressions.
3. Guidance - The Lord will always guide you. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21) Once you really come to Jesus wherever you may be, he will guide you.
4. Strength - God’s promise is strength where there is a weakness. He will renew your weakness to strength from Him. Physical, mental, moral and especially your spiritual weakness, when you come and trust Him, he will exchange your weariness/weakness to strength. (Isaiah 40:28-31)
5. Protection - The Lord who made us promised that he will save us. Do not be afraid for He will save us. Even though we pass through deepest waters or walk through the raging fire, he will redeem us, whom He created. (Isaiah 43:1-2)
6. Restoration - I want you to know that the Lord wants to restore you! But you have to come to Him. He wants to bring you back to how He created you! Isaiah 55:6-8 says, seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near!” Today is the best time to repent and forsake your unrighteous thoughts. Turn to the Lord and let Him restore you