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Criticizing Jesus

By Pastor Alex Ruelo

The new series, Criticizing Jesus, is all about how different groups of people said bad things about our Savior. All of these stories can be found in the four gospels. Even His own family criticized Him. Some of the criticisms are really heavy and He probably did not deserve any of them.

Matthew 9:14-17 says, “One day the disciples of John the Baptist came to Jesus and asked him, “Why don’t your disciples fast like we do and the Pharisees do?” Jesus replied, “Do wedding guests mourn while celebrating with the groom? Of course not. But someday the groom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. “Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.”

  1. Even Jesus was criticized. (V. 14) - It is a normal thing in this world. If the people around you are saying negative things about you, either you brush it off or you will get into a fight trying to defend yourself. Christians are being criticized everywhere. Do not be surprised. Expect the worst.

  2. Believers will be criticize. (V. 14) - Even our co-believers will criticize you. Those who partner with you in the ministry can say not so nice things about you. Everything you do in this world will be criticized. They are not bad people. Sometimes, they just do what they were taught. But beware. The criticisms towards you may be true. You just do not see it because it is your blind spot. Also, when you are criticized, you feel like it is you against the world. Learn how to shut out the lies of the enemy. The loudness of the world should not rule your life.

  3. We criticize and miss out. (V. 14) - Sometimes, you yourself criticize and forget that your goal is to celebrate Jesus. Because of this, you miss out on the good things and the blessings from God.

Don’t miss the blessing. Stop criticizing! For you to not miss the blessing, do the following things.

  1. Know how to respond to criticism. (V. 15) - Learn how to communicate and respond properly. Jesus always had the proper answer to each question. You can get angry but that will not fix anything. You want to receive all the blessings of God? Respond nicely.

  2. Be flexible and expand. (V. 16-17) - You cannot put new wine in old wineskin. Jesus is the new wine. You do not need to stay with the old traditions. Be flexible with what is needed in your time. Just make sure that things are in order. Know how to adjust and celebrate God everyday.

  3. Don’t be the traditional Christian. (V. 15) - There are things that we do that are effective and anointed. For a time. Learn how to go with the times. Move on to what God is using in your time. Be flexible and do not stick to tradition because you got used to it.

Criticism is all over. Just like all the noisy people in the world. Just like all the traditions you were taught. Just like all the things you thought you were doing right. Listen to God. His voice is the only one who should be able to dictate to you.


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