By Pastor Alex Ruelo

Prophet Elijah is one of the many characters in the Bible that has the most amazing story. The most remarkable one is that time when he dared the prophets of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel to show the power of their “god” Baal by burning the sacrifice. The 800+ prophets did everything they could but there was no manifestation of Baal. Elijah on the other hand, poured water on the sacrifice to emphasize the power of the Lord, and immediately it burned. This brought deeper anger to the queen that made her want to kill Elijah. So Elijah runs for his life and prayed unto God, weeping, and asking him to just end his life and take him. God showed favor to Elijah and ordered him to take a rest through an angel. When Elijah woke up there was food beside him.
Through Elijah, we learned that our faith, brings us blessings and in Him, we found favor and rest even through transgressions. Here are 3 major lessons from the story of prophet Elijah:
1. Always remember God’s goodness and faithfulness – people often look at the bigger things, bigger opportunities, bigger blessings that we forget to see the little things that God has been giving us. We are eager to receive that one huge thing we want from God that we neglect all the little good things we are receiving. God’s goodness is relentless, His faithfulness is strong, and we, Christians must see that every day in our lives, God has been providing us blessings, we just forget to acknowledge these little blessings.
2. Problems are not from God – when we face difficulties we immediately turn to God and ask Him why is he giving us problems. What we do not know is these problems are not from God. Sometimes or more often than not, we create our own problems, our own sufferings and once we are on that position Satan will move and bring in more misery. What we can do is to pray and turn to God, and converse with Him the right way. Let Him search your heart and correct it. Rewire your heart, mind, and spirit that you know that once you are in a difficult situation, you turn to God not to ask Him why but to ask Him to help you.
3. In the time of waiting, God is moving – If we remember the story, Elijah and the whole Israel waited for the rain. It is hard to wait and keep the faith. It is hard not to wonder why God is letting you be in “this” situation. It is hard not to ask God of the things we don’t understand. Yes, it is hard because we are just human, but He is God. In the time of our waiting, know that He is moving, He is preparing something, and what He only wants us to do is keep our faith in Him.