By Pastor Peter Aguila

Unbelievers lack the knowledge of what the Cross is truly about. Christians sometimes forget what is its message to humanity. Now let’s analyze why is this consistently happening to this day.
Paul said in 1 Corinthian that he is not sent to baptize but to preach the gospel—not with wisdom and eloquence. God did not send him to collect a following but to preach the Message of what God has done. He wasn’t sent to utter senseless words regarding the Cross. He was sent to spread the Good News and collect a following for Him—Jesus.
The Message that points to Christ on the cross is foolishness to those who do not believe and on the way of destruction but for us who are on the way of salvation, it makes perfect sense. It is said in the Bible that this is the way God works, and most powerfully as it turns out. For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”
Preaching the gospel—unbelievers say that it is foolishness. But God was pleased through the foolishness that was preached to save those who believe. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
We become wise people who are foolish of what God has done because we do not hear the preaching of what we call foolishness. We condemn those who we think is not capable of presenting the gospel. Let’s take a good look of who we were when we are called—we are not the “best and the brightest”. It should be clear to us that God deliberately chose men and women that the society dubbed as “nobodies” to expose the hollow pretensions of “somebodies”. We are to preach the truth and the truth is everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate, and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ. That’s why we have the saying, “If you’re going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God.”