By Pastora Monique Lopez Ong
The Holy Spirit is God (Matthew 28:19-210)) But He seems like a forgotten God. In Matthew 28, when God commanded His apostles to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, He is declaring that the Holy Spirit is God. He is to be obeyed just like the other two.
The Holy Spirit is your seal as believers. (Ephesians 1:13) When you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior, you are sealed by the Spirit. You are marked by the Lord. You are His dwelling place. If you say you feel far from the Lord, that is impossible. You are already victorious. The Holy Spirit is partnering with you but you do not notice His presence. All you think about are your problems and all the bad things happening to you. Is your problem bigger than your God?
The Holy Spirit is your helper and teacher. (John 14:16) The Holy Spirit is the comforter who knows what you are going through. He knows everything. When you feel alone, that is a lie of the enemy. Do not believe the lies of the enemy when he tells you that you are alone. He is your advocate. He fights for you. When the devil tells you that you are worthless, the Holy Spirit will lift you up. The Holy Spirit is also your strengthener. He will lead you and strengthen you when you are weak. People who walk with the Holy Spirit are still smiling even when trials come their way. When your strength wavers, hold onto Him and you will stand strong. The Holy Spirit is your intercessor. He groans and prays for you in your behalf. The Holy Spirit is also your counsellor. Ask Him whenever you need guidance. Most people look to google and other experts in the field. Who is the better expert than the Holy Spirit? He will lead you to the word of God and will guide you until you fee safe. The Holy Spirit acts on Jesus’ behalf and will help you remember everything that Jesus has said. The Bible will come alive with His help. Sometimes, the reason you cannot read through the Bible is because there is a heart issue. When you walk in your flesh, everything will become hard to do. But when you walk in the Spirit, many things are unlocked. You become hungry and you learn so much.
The Holy Spirit empowers you. (Acts 1:8) If you only walk in the flesh, nothing will change.
He empowers you not to sin.
He empowers you to walk in signs, wonders and miracles.
He gives you actual boldness to share Jesus to others.
You want to be a carrier of the presence of God because you do not know when you are going to witness the power of the Holy Spirit that will use you.
The Holy Spirit gives gifts for the Body of Christ. (1Corinthians 12:7-11 ) You are not meant to do things just for yourself. If you are healed, then you still have a mission. You are not meant to do things only for yourself. You will testify of His goodness and go to the sick and tell them they will be well in Jesus’ name. Your past will be used for God’s goodness. Wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophesy, discernment, speaking in tongues - these are available to all. The Holy Spirit distributes them to each one just as He determines. It all depends on your intimacy with Him. You have to partner with the Holy Spirit. It is available to everybody. To know if you have a certain gift, you have to use it here on earth. The gifts of the Holy Spirit cannot be used in heaven. If you walk with he Holy spirit, you will not walk in the flesh.
The Holy Spirit helps us bear fruit. (Galatians 5:22-25)This cannot be bought with money. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When you hold on to Him, you will bear fruit and nothing can stop you.
The Holy Spirit gives you revelations. (Matthew 13:11-12) Those who walk with Jesus are permitted to understand the secrets of heaven while others do not. You might not completely understand at first. But continue to trust Him and things will be revealed to you.
9 Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Wind (Acts 2:1-2)
Fire (Acts 2:3)
Oil (James 5:14)
Lights (Revelation 4:5)
Dove (Mark 1:10)
Cloud (Matthew 17:5-6)
Seal (2Corinthians 1:22)
Water (ajohn 4:13-14)
Wine (Ephesians 5:18)
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of the Lord
Draw Near
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of the Lord
I know you are here.
I’m making room for your presence
Break down all my defenses
Search within my weary soul
Ooh Lord I give you all the control
Spirit of the Lord (let your Holy Spirit come)
Spirit of the Lord (like a rushing wind)
Spirit of the Lord
Take me deep
Spirit of the Lord (release and overflow)
Spirit of the Lord (pour it out Lord, Pour it out Lord)
Spirit of the Lord
Its you I seek
Teach me your commandments.
I’ll keep it and follow your ways
Give me your Holy space
Let me worship you my King, face to face.
Spirit of the Lord (Let feel your presence, God)
Spirit of the Lord (fill me from within)
Spirit of the Lord
Lead me.
Spirit of the Lord (Open up the doors)
Spirit of the Lord (I want your blessings God, I want your blessings, God)
Spirit of the Lord
Send me.
Bridge (4x):
Full Surrender
I give you my heart
Full of Worship
I glorify my God
Spirit of the Lord (Let your Holy rain fall)
Spirit of the Lord (heal every part of me)
Spirit of the Lord
Draw Near
Spirit of the Lord (let your fire fall down)
Spirit of the Lord (I want you Jesus)
Spirit of the Lord (Come closer, come closer)
Its you I need.
Spirit of the Lord
The Holy Spirit will always convicts you of sin and point you back to Jesus. Do not harden your hearts. Give Him space to move in your life and empower to you. Allow Him to give you boldness and make you walk in victory.