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Open House: Hospitality in the Bible

By Nina Mistula

Being hospitable does not exist only now. In the Bible, Jesus shows many examples of how to be hospitable. What is hospitality anyway? Many people say that Filipinos are very hospitable. What exactly does it mean? Google says being hospitable is being friendly and welcoming to strangers or guests. In the Bible, it is the act of showing love and kinndness to others, especially those who are in need or are strangers. In short, it is the “love of strangers.’’ Nowadays, we are just hospitable if we kow the people who will come to our house. But will you let strangers into your home?

How does Jesus show hospitality in the Bible? He makes many examples.

Through love - Matthew 9:10-11 says, “While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”  Jesus shows hospitality through love and compassionate. Will you eat with the people who did bad to you? This shows that Jesus welcomes all kinds of people in all walks of life, no matter their background and what they did in the past.

Another example of Jesus showing hospitality thorugh love is when the pharisees brough to Him a woman who commmitted adultery. John 8:10-11 says, “Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared, “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Jesus was Lord but He did not condemn the woman. He does not look at your status in life. Whoever you are, Jesus knows annd loves you.

Through sharing- Matthew 14:19 says, ”And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.” Imagine how hospitable Jesus is. He already taught for ours and He was still thinking of the people. He could have just asked the disciples to tell them He is finished teaching and send them home. But no. He asked His disciples what they had and because He is God, He made sure everyone was fed and were satisfied.

Another example is Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-42). This interaction demonstrates his willingness to engage with someone from a different background and even share living water with her.

Jesus engaged in conversations with people from all walks of life, answering their questions, challenging their assumptions, and sharing his perspective on various issues. He valued dialogue as a way to connect with others and share truth.  If you read the story, you will know that the Samaritan woman already had 5 husbands. If you were talking to here, I am sure you already have judging thoughts in your head. But Jesus showed who He really is and loved unconditionally no matter what.

Through these different ways of sharing, Jesus demonstrated the true meaning of hospitality. It was not just about material things. It was all about sharing His time, teachings, love, and ultimately, His life with others his example invites us to be generous in our own sharing, extending hospitality to those around us in whatever ways we can.

Through service - The act of washing of feet is a task typically performed by servants. But Jesus wilingly took on thhis role for His disciples. This act demonstrated His humility and His commitment to serviing others, even in the most mennial task. In John 13:1-17, when Jesus washed His disciples’ feet during the last suppper, it was a powerful symbol o His humility and His desire o serve His followers.

John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." The ultimate act of servie was Jesus’ willingness to give His life for the redemption of humanity. This selfless sacrifice demonstrates the depth of His love even to the point of death.

Through these examples, Jesus showed that true hospitality is not just about words but actions. It is about putting the needs of others first, serving them with humility and compassion, and demonstrating love through concrete acts of service. His life is a model for us to follow, inspiring us to serve others in His name and ot etend hospitality to all.

Now that we know all of this and how Jesus showed all of us hospitality during His time, what can we do now?

  1. Be compassionate - Jesus showed us how o love others even if they are sinners. Is there anybody here who does not sin? Jesus loves us even if the only things on our plate are sins.  He came down to earth to offer His life as a ransom for many and to show us how to loveone another. He is the perfect model of love and how to love. Be hopitable no matter who is in front of you. Extend compassion not because you are compassionate but because the Lord showed compassion on you no matter who you are and no matter what you have done.

  2. Share your blessings - Sometimes, if is difficult to share what we have especially when what we have is not even enough. But when you think about it, you do not really own anything. Having said that, pass it forward. It’s a domino effect! Blessings should not stop with just one persosn. Don’t have second thoughts whe. Sharing yours wit others.

  3. Serve others - Serving means putting other’s needs first before yours. It includes, but is not limited to humility, time, kindness, and prayer.

Hospitality is more tha. Just sharing a meal or providing someone a place to stay. It is about welcoming others into your life and helping them enjoy a richer experience of knowing Christ.

These things are not difficult o do if we fel the love, grace and forgiveness of the Lord. I pray that we do not do these things because we are waiting for something in return. These should be the effect of God’s hospitaity towards us.

Lastly, I just wat to remind you about these 2 things:

  1. God is a visitor too. And you have to be ready when He comes. Donot be caught off guard and be in a hurry to do the things that you were supposed to be doing in preparation for His coming.

  2. God is also a host. He owns everything in this world. He always akes sure that when we visit, His house is aways clean and that we always feel welcome. He wants us to enjoy His company and His presence. God wants you to stay in His house.

God’s house is always open and we are welcome to come in anytime. If, by any chance we decide to leave, the door is still always open. Just like the prodigal son, the father welcomes you with open arms all the time. Just make the first step and run back to Him.


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